Shadow Box Time Capsule

I’ve always wanted to create a family time capsule. But I didn’t want to put a bunch of our keepsakes into a box to be buried or hidden for a year!

So I decided to tweak the time capsule idea so I didn’t have to hide away our memories… Instead, I would to display them!

Shadow Box Time Capsule 01

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A shadow box
  • *Optional: Paint, markers, stickers, glue or glitter, colorful paper*

Gather your supplies and let’s get going! This project is simple, affordable and easy!

Shadow Box Time Capsule 02

Take your stickers and place the year on the outside of the shadow box. Add a piece of decorative paper to the inside if you want more color.

Shadow Box Time Capsule 03

As the year goes on place knickknacks, ticket stubs, notes, trinkets, anything special to you and your family.

Shadow Box Time Capsule 04

It’s a great way to capture your year! And, unlike a normal time capsule, you don’t have to hide it! Your memories can be displayed and you can watch your project grow throughout the year!
